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Using the 10 Science Skills for Planning and Assessment

Using the 10 Science Skills for Planning and Assessment

The National Curriculum working scientifically statements are what we assess children against. However, they are too complex to be shared with them. To help children understand the working scientifically skills, we have distilled them into 10 science skills that we can use to talk about how they work as scientists when carrying out the five types of science enquiry set out in the National Curriculum.


In this document, we have mapped the 10 science skills to the National Curriculum working scientifically statements. To support planning, we have included the guidance from the PLAN Working scientifically matrices. To support assessment, the science skills are linked back to the National Curriculum working scientifically statements so formative assessment from lessons can be collated and linked back to the National Curriculum working scientifically statements to support making summative judgments.


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